Destination Fields

Destination Fields
Field Name Example Values Field Type Notes
destination_application_name facebook, twitter keyword Describes the target application
destination_bytes_sent 203948 long Network bytes sent by destination to the source. Some sources may present this as source bytes received, bytes received, or similar.
destination_device_model iPad keyword Device Model Name
destination_device_vendor Apple, ASUS keyword Device Vendor Name
destination_domain corp.local keyword (normalized:loweronly) Destination domain context
destination_hostname corpdc01 keyword (normalized:loweronly)  
destination_ip, fe80:5cc3:11:4::2c ip IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
destination_nat_ip, fe80:5cc3:11:4::2c ip translated IP address assigned by a network device performing the NAT function
destination_nat_port 2356 integer translated network port assigned by a network device performing the NAT function
destination_os_name IOS, Android keyword Operating System Name
destination_os_version IOS 10.0 keyword Version number of Operating System
destination_packets_sent 73458324 long Number of packets delivered to the destination endpoint
destination_port 80, 443 integer Service port associated with a network connection port, 0-65535
destination_port_iana_name ssh, ftp keyword The IANA-registered service name associated with the network application. Illuminate Core will use this value to define destination_port in events that have destination_ip defined, if destination_port is not already defined
destination_region us-east-1 keyword Name of region source device is located in
destination_id 09VX93DD keyword Identifying value for the destination such as a serial number
destination_type   keyword Destination device information such as model number
destination_vm_name   keyword Virtual system name (not to be confused with the hostname)
destination_vsys_uuid 1f5398c7-4d84-4499-84ee-d5e9246c52f8 keyword Destination virtual system UUID
destination_zone internal keyword Network zone for the destination
Derived and Enriched Fields (values will be derived or added from external sources)
Field Name Example Values Field Type Notes
destination_as_*     See: as_* fields
destination_category   keyword Future: from entity mapping
destination_geo_*     See: geo_* fields
destination_location_name Chicago, US, Datacenter 01, Bismark - Finance keyword Field is derived either from an internal enterprise network definition or the Geo location fields if availble
destination_mac a0:b4:44:01:a9:d1 keyword MAC address of host, colon-delimited and lower case
destination_priority critical, high, medium, low keyword Future: from entity mapping
destination_priority_level 1-4 byte Numeric value representing the priority of the destination device, 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high, 4 = critical
destination_reference IPv4, IPv6, hostname,fqdn keyword (normalized:loweronly) Automatically mapped from the following fields: destination_ip, destination_hostname, destination_target, destination_vm_name, desination_mac